Friday, February 4, 2011

Helping out to lower crime rate

In the past few days,awareness of crime has been going up among the citizens of Singapore.Due to the alertness of the people,things have been lightening up and the criminal activity in many places has been dropping considerably.

However,there are still some people who are somewhat unsure about these happenings and have no idea what they can do to contribute to reducing criminal activity in their homes.

Here are some tips provided by people,both ordinary people and policemen,on how to stop crimes from happening.If you have some tips of your own,send them to and they will be featured on future posts.
  • Alert the police if you see any sign of suspicious activity
  • Take not of any criminal's appearance;certain descriptions of them can be used by the police to catch them
  • Do not do anything that may make you a target for criminal
In additon,reporting any suspicious activity seen to the police will be a good way to help maintain peace in any area.Any news of criminal being caught and foiled will also be put here.If you have such a report to share,drop an email to this blog site(see the address above).

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Campaigns for criminal awareness are launched

In the days since the increasing crime wave that's been affecting Vic Street,police forces and local communities across Singapore have been doing all they can to increase the awareness of the problem.People from both sides say that this is being done not just to help the people who have fallen victim to criminal activity but also to raise awareness in other areas.Mr Lim,who manages a community club in the east,said that he was willing to help out in this plan."I think that such action is necessary.This will remind other people to be vigilant despite safe living conditions".

All over Singapore,one may stumble across a sign or poster in various areas frequented by people,such as bus stops and MRT stations.Even though they come and go at various amounts of time,people are bound to encounter at least one each year no matter where they travel around Singapore.Although varying in looks,they all carry this sentence:

"Low crime doesn't mean no crime".

This goes to show that it is important for people to see that even small amounts of criminal activity cannot go unignored."The public needs to be know that they play an important part in the safety of our country",said Police Officer Anil."If they are active in reporting or helping out in any way to bring down any crime in their neighbourhood,then ther will soon be peace in our homes",he further added.

This,of course,is not far from true.Crime may be at low levels in other areas in comparison to Vic Street but the rate can escalate if not put down quickly enough.Just two days ago,a house in Changi was struck by robbers.The local police are combing the area for any sign of the robbers,in addition to asking the people living near the house."It just goes to show",commented one of the neighbourhood residents,"You can never be too careful.It could happen to anyone if they are not alert or prepared".

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Vic Street experiences increase in crime

There have been recent cases of car vandalism in Vic Street recently. Many residents who own cars have been filing complaints to police stations saying that had found their cars mysteriously damaged severly. Police officers are currently working to catch the culprits. In addition, there have been reports that the vandals have not just been damaging cars but also have been doing the same in many areas of public space in the area.

However, vandalism is only just one of the problems that Vic Street is facing. People in the neighbourhood,living in HDBs and houses alike, say that they have been victims of robbery."Its terrible",said one resident whose home had been burgled."I found some things missing and that the grill had been slightly shifted. That must have been how they broke in". Some of them have been taking measures to strengthen their homes to ensure that this won't happen again to them.

Shops too, apparently, are not safe from the rising crime wave thats been hitting the neighbourhood. Some of the shops in the area have also suffered with people shoplifting items from them. Despite measures taken to catch them, only a few have been caught and it seems that the arrests have done little to deter others from doing the same. The local police officers have decided to work with the shopowners in reducing the rate of shoplifting."We will also be counting on the people,too,"one of them added."Their aid will be vital in weakening the crime rate that we've all been facing."